Ingo Haese, owner of the dach-info Verlag publishing house, launched an excellent project after finding in the spring of 2008 that despite great interest, a large number of professionals had failed to attend the Dach + Holz trade fair for the roofing and timber construction industry for lack of time. This involves an online trade fair held all year round. We think the idea and its implementation are excellent. It helps we professionals – and certainly you, too – to stay up to date and find new and innovative offers and suppliers. We welcome the fact that Ingo will do everything possible to guarantee a high standard of quality and not present dubious products or suppliers on this virtual trade fair site. As experts, we will be pleased to do all we can to support him.
The dach-info Verlag publishing house also operates the largest -> discussion forum dedicated to the topics of roofing, walls, and thermal insulation. We appreciate this independent platform and the opportunity it provides to share opinions and experience. We also participate in discussions there.
We have enjoyed a positive experience with various producers of building material over a long period of time. Tried and tested products guarantee lasting long-term quality. We favour these products because in the long run it pays to invest in quality in terms of price, too.
...we also use alternative quality products from other manufacturers.
The guild, our organisations, and the district association of craftsmen are important partners
for both businesses and customers:
SC Preußen Borghorst
Our ties with -> SC Preußen Borghorst span many years and we sponsor the youth soccer team, in particular.
The Rummenigge indoor soccer arena in Münster
Soccer in a pleasant atmosphere regardless of wind and weather in every season and at almost any time of day. Is that possible? Yes!
Incidentally, our company renovated the roof of the -> indoor soccer arena in December 2004, when we
helped with the renewal of the western gable with translucent panels, resealing the flat roof, cladding the edge of the roof with zinc sheets, and servicing the pitched roof surfaces.